A Neurofeedback training session consists of sensors being placed on the scalp and then sending signals to our high tech software. These sensors record electrical impulses within the brain and pinpoints where there may be dysregulation. This provides us with real time information on brain activity.
The brain's job is to adapt to changes in the body and function to the best of its ability in any given scenario. But sometimes, it gets pushed out of a healthy pattern into a negative one. It gets stuck. A dysregulated brain tends to be over-stimulated when it is supposed to be calm, and under-stimulated when it is supposed to be attentive.
If the brain doesn’t correct itself, these unhealthy patterns become the new normal. Brain training works by encouraging and reinforcing healthy brainwave patterns. The brain wants to operate at its best level; sometimes, it just needs a bit of help to do so.
We work closely with clinicians incorporating Neurofeedback training into their treatment. When your brain is working properly, it allows you to change behaviors and thoughts, leading to a freer and more balanced life.