I still don’t understand how TMS works?

TMS utilizes transcranial magnetic stimulation to alleviate depressive symptoms by pulsing the brain to increase blood flow and trigger electrical activity.

Is TMS covered by insurance?

Yes! TMS is covered by most insurance providers. We will help you get prior authorization from your insurance company.

Are there any side effects?

TMS has been found to be well-tolerated by most patients. Mild scalp discomfort or headaches are the most common side effects, and these symptoms go away for most patients after the first week.

Can I drive myself home after treatment?

Yes! Normal activities can typically be resumed immediately after treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

Each patients has different needs. Treatment is typically five days a week for six weeks.

What is the first step to get started?

The first step is to give us a call. We will have you meet with one of our providers to make sure TMS is a good treatment plan for your needs. We will also make sure your insurance covers TMS.

Does TMS interact with medications I am taking?

No, TMS doesn’t interact with your medications. Patients should not change their medication protocol at all while doing TMS treatment.